Are you a leader in one of these?
Our advisory service traverses the full course of the twelve mountains of influence!
Trade & Finance
Media and Entertainment
Arts and Culture
A lot to offer!
Theonomics Book Series
Our intellectual property includes Theonomics Book Series; Journal of Theonomic Perspectives and various life, purpose & destiny Toolkits.
Dissemination & Empowerment
We promote the dissemination of truth through our conferences, workshops, seminars, and incubation program.
Consultancy Services
We provide advisory services to governments; international organizations; and multinational corporations through consultancy services and contracted research.
Sales & Commercialization
Our expertise lies in the sale and commercialization of intellectual property including copyrights and patents.
We'll get you ready, HOW?
Our Incubation Program prepares man to be cognizant and compatible with the laws of Spirit. It is a spiritual journey to enable man to identify and/or calibrate his understanding of who he is and to become. The methods and methodology are partly scientific and partly spiritual; purely because while man is spirit (or soul), he exists primarily within the body and secondarily on earth.
Meet The Founder
Vincent Bino Mogano (Phd.)
A sage who incorporates spiritual inferences into Scientific Perspectives. He has published extensively in Theonomics: An interdisciplinary of Science and Spirituality.